
A clash of kings audiobook chapter list
A clash of kings audiobook chapter list

He points out that Hot Pie and Lommy had no part in her father’s death and hitting them won’t bring him back. Yoren also explains that however much her punishment hurt, Hot Pie is feeling much worse. When he is finished, Yoren tells her that if she ever uses her stick sword on one of her companions again she will get twice what she gives.

a clash of kings audiobook chapter list

Arya does not want to scream, but cannot help it, and her thighs and cheeks are ablaze with pain. There he orders her to drop her breeches and scream loudly, then whacks her several times with her own stick sword.

a clash of kings audiobook chapter list

Yoren drags her off the road into a tangle of trees, cursing and muttering. Dazed and wounded, Hot Pie attempts to charge her, but Arya slips into a Water Dancer pose and stabs the boy in the groin.īy the time Yoren pulls her off, Arya has hit Hot Pie a dozen more times and the boy’s pants are brown and smelly. The injured boy throws a rock at her, but Arya ducks and closes the distance to strike him again on the hand, cheek, knee, and back of the head. The Bull shouts a warning and Arya turns to face Hot Pie. Arya dismounts and breaks his nose with her practice sword before turning on Lommy, who cowers away in fear. The animal bucks and throws Hot Pie to the ground. Arya uses her practice sword to whack Hot Pie’s donkey. Arya attempts to diffuse the situation by offering to surrender her wooden practice sword, but Hot Pie threatens to beat her up like he did another boy and reaches for Needle. The Bull-an older boy with shaggy black hair and a bull-motif helmet-tells them to let her be, but Hot Pie continues. The boys continue to mock her, saying that she is going to cry and wet her pants.

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Hot Pie’s declaration that she doesn’t even know how to use a sword takes Arya back to the stable boy she stabbed during her escape from the Red Keep, but she doesn't mention the incident. Then Hot Pie gets the idea that he can steal Needle from her and Lommy encourages him. This angers Arya even more because Needle was a gift from her bastard brother Jon Snow, and she will not let them call him a thief. Arya angrily shouts back that it is castle-forged steel, but this only gives rise to claims that she stole it. Hot Pie sarcastically suggests that maybe she was a squire, but Lommy disagrees and argues that Needle is probably not even a real sword. One morning, Lommy and Hot Pie begin questioning Arya about her sword, “ Needle,” wondering where she got it. Arya is two years younger and quite a bit smaller than them. The men ignore her, but the orphan boys Lommy Greenhands and Hot Pie take her silence to mean she is frightened, stupid, or deaf. Yoren was wrong about passing water being the hardest part. Instead, she decided to wish for Winterfell. As they were leaving, Arya wished that Blackwater Rush would rise and wash away the city until she remembered her sister would be washed away, too.

a clash of kings audiobook chapter list

Yoren called one of them by name and they were waved through. The Lannister guards were searching for the highborn daughter of the Hand of the King, not a skinny boy with his hair chopped off. The gates of King's Landing were easy to pass, just as Yoren claimed. The five wagons contain supplies for the Wall: hides, bars of pig iron, a cage of ravens, cloth, books, paper, ink, sourleaf, oil, medicine, and spices.

a clash of kings audiobook chapter list

The most frightening are the three from the black cells, whom Yoren keeps chained in the back of a wagon. There are 30 of them some of the recruits are orphan boys recruited with promises of food and clothing, but others are criminals from the dungeons under the Red Keep. Yoren claimed it should not be too hard to pass as a boy the hardest part would be passing her water in the woods alone. However, Yoren insisted that she pretend to be an orphan boy named Arry because half of the new recruits would turn her over to Queen Cersei quick as spit for a pardon and a few silvers, and the other half would do the same but rape her first. Instead, the smelly old black brother had only cut her hair and promised to deliver her to her home at Winterfell when he and his new recruits pass by. When Yoren dragged her into an alley after her father’s execution, Arya was sure he meant to kill her. Her head actually feels lumpy when she touches it. Arya used to think her nickname of “Arya Horseface” was bad, until the orphan boy Lommy Greenhands named her “Lumpyhead” because of her lumpy, uneven haircut.

A clash of kings audiobook chapter list